The Sounds of the Jungle

The sounds of the jungle is an interactive children's performance where the Marimba de Chonta is combined with other percussion instruments from Colombia's Pacific coast. Marimba de Chonta is called in Colombia the piano of the jungle.

The show is approximately 30 minutes long and is suitable for children between 2 and 9 years old. The children sing, dance and play traditional songs from Colombia in Spanish and Swedish.

I can also offer a 50-minute workshop before or after the performance to create instruments together with the children.

The performance takes us to a unique soundscape that brings us closer to nature and its inner power, at the same time as the children's creativity, curiosity, community and understanding of other cultures increases.


Team building at your workplace

The main goal in this workshop is for the employees to learn how to communicate and work together through an intensive drum session, at the same time as the body and brain are working and improving their mental health and well-being.

Music and particularly drumming boost the immune system which protects the body from infection. Which means less sick days and more productivity!

In conclusion, drumming leaves the participants in an upbeat mood and this makes them have a positive view of their team members. This, in turn, makes them more optimistic about company goals and also improves their decision making. All this goes to show the benefits accrued from incorporating drumming into a team building session.

You can read more about health and music in the book "Kultur och Folkhälsa".

A book in which professor Eva Bojner-Horwitz from Karolinska Institute cites Diva's master thesis where she analyzes the results of the project "Vi slår på trummor inte på varann" ("We hit drums, not each other").